

On Microblogging

# writing

I'm a deep believer in the power of writing as a tool for thought. I often find that I don't truly understand a concept until after I've written a thorough explanation. Writing also helps me remember ideas better and apply them into my life more effectively.

I'm also a deep believer in the power of sharing knowledge. As a computer programmer, I want to share bug fixes and hacks I've discovered. As a mathematician, I want to share interesting insights about new concepts I've learned. As a language learner, I want to tell others about fascinating historical details or words in various languages. And as a human, I want to connect with other people and have the opportunity to be heard.

Despite the importance of writing, I'm quite busy. I don't have time to write a polished blog post about every topic I want to share. Nor do I care to refine my writing extensively for public consumption.

Thus, I'm starting a microblog. Here I'll write about any topic that interests me — math, computer science, faith, philosophy, languages, etc. I may also share external links, book reviews, or interesting personal experiences. My tone will range from formal to casual as I please.

Speaking of tone, I'm placing one constraint on my microblog: I won't allow myself to use LLMs in authoring posts. This should force me to maintain my writing skills, provide me with an archive of content that is mine alone, and reflect my personality more genuinely.

I hope you enjoy reading! If you're an RSS user, you can subscribe at /rss.xml?type=microblog.