Published 5/6/2023

Introducing My New Website

I created a brand-new personal website using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and MDX.

I'm excited to present the first version of my new personal website!

I built this website using Next.js 13, with the new App Router architecture. Other tools I used include Tailwind CSS, MDX, and Bright. I'm hosting it on Vercel.

I hope to post more about the process of building this website soon. In the meantime, you can check out the source code.

I'm grateful for the official NextJS docs and tutorial, which I used heavily; this fantastic blog post by Max Leiter, about using the new App Router architecture; and the Precedent theme, from which I borrowed my header component.

If you liked this article, don't forget to share it and follow me at @nebrelbug on X!